Getting cash for junk cars is great for you but it can also help the environment!
Did you know that that junk car could be recycled? In fact, 98% of a car can be recycled. Metals can be smelted, purified and reused. Rubbers can be recycled. Glasses and plastics can be melted down and reused. So not only are you getting cash for junk cars, but you’re also helping create new resources for your community.
And it doesn’t take long to recycle a car. It only takes 45 seconds to shred an average car into fist-sized pieces of steel for recycling. That’s almost as fast as it takes for A1 Hauling to get you cash for junk cars and trucks!
Interested in getting cash for junk cars and recycling? You’re not alone. 25 cars are recycled every minute. In fact, scrap industry processes just short of 145 million tons of recyclable material each year into raw material for industrial manufacturing.
Not only are you getting cash for junk cars and helping the environment, but you’re also helping the economy. The scrapping industry contributes over $65 Billon toward the US Economy each year!
So do your part, help the environment and economy! Contact A1 Hauling today to get cash for junk cars.